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Microcontrollers are little one chip computers. They don't do anything without software. To load the software you need a programmer. A programmer is a piece of hardware controlled by an application on your computer.

AVR Microcontroller and Ethernet Controller Chips

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ENC28J60 Ethernet controller, DIP 28 package

enc28j60 DIP The ENC28J60 is a stand-alone Ethernet controller
with SPI Interface.

price: 3.05EUR, [convert_currency]

==>see details

ATmega8/ATmega8a, DIP 28 package, (ATMEGA8-16PU/ATMEGA8a-PU)

atmega 8, PDIP 28 The ATMega8a AVR-RISC-Microcontroller.

price: 2.25EUR, [convert_currency]

==>see details

ATmega328p, DIP 28 package, (ATMEGA328p-PU)

Atmega328p The ATMega328p AVR-RISC-Microcontroller. This chip is identical to the ATMega88/ATMega168 but has more flash, more ram and more eeprom memory.

price: 3.95EUR, [convert_currency]

==>see details

ATmega168, DIP 28 package, (ATMEGA168-20PU)

Atmega168 The ATMega168 AVR-RISC-Microcontroller. This chip is identical to the ATMega88 but has more flash memory.

Out of stock, please use atmega328

==>see details

74hc595 + 2x100nF +100K +220K (add more output ports to you microcontroller)

74hc595 74hc595 8-bit serial to parallel port expander. Provides 8-digital output lines per 74hc595. The 74hc595 chips can be used in chain to provide more than 8 output lines.

price: 0.85EUR, [convert_currency]

==>see details

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